Has this ever happened to you? Let me know

So a couple of days ago I had an issue and I decided to voice it out loud on my Youtube channel and get feedback! I was happy with the response and the advise I received. 
So let me start by telling you my situation! 
My daughter has a room full of toys and so does my son. If ever you have been into my home with children your kiddos are more than welcome to play with the kids toys no problem. My oldest son does have some collectibles, but we have those special toys High above a shelf that not even my 2 year old can reach. Recently we went to a home where we visit often because there was a celebration going on.   I noticed my daughter asking a certain someone a question and I heard my daughter say answer me please YES or No. I see that person ignore my daughter then my daughter persistenly  asks again Please answer YES or NO? I did not know the situation at the time so I giggled a bit at her persistancy and I went to tell my husband what I had over heard. We both assumed she was asking for a second serving of cake since that is what the adult she was talking to was doing serving cake.
 I see my daughter walk away with her piece of cake so I thought all was okay. 
It is getting late and we are ready to head home when I telll my daughter to get her things so we can leave and she says but mom she promised me I can play with the basket of fake food and she has not given them to me. I said who and she answered and pointed to the adult who was serving the cake and I told her we have plenty of Fake food at home its late and daddy works tomorrow. So as I say goodbye to that adult I tell my daughter to say good bye as well but she is too upset and the adult says to me oh I told her that I did not want any toys out and maybe she can play with them next time. 

      I was not sure how to respond to that because I had not yet processed what just happened I had said bye to everyone and walked away and on the road back home I began to process the situation and I was sad for my daughter and VERY ANGRY AT THAT ADULT! 
      She has a daughter who comes over and plays with all of my daughters toys we have NEVER denied her anything and we our the type to buy gifts for her! 
In our home we have taught our children that sharing and giving is caring! Toys are Toys and Plastic toys are not meant to be kept forever. I have taught my kids to care for their toys but also share.                               When I mentioned this to my husband he suggested we go out to a thrift store buy a ton of toys and take them over to that home. That way those toys will be played with and not be hidden behind closed doors. 
   This situation really brought to light all other instances that have occured while we were there visiting. May be I was in denial and did not want to beleive that people are capable of doing that, Now that I think of all the times we have been there the only reason my daughter has played with her toys is because she was in the living room playing with a box of toys,  but other than that she is not allowed in her room to play. 
They never  bring out any toys for them to be entertained. I usually take of bag of toys for my kids to entertain them. They hurry them out and send them outside. Maybe some of you have had a similar situation and if you have what did you do and was it worth it? DO you think my husbands idea is the safest way to go? If you would like to see me talk about this situation my video is up on my Youtube channel which I will list here!


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